In this video, we’re going to provide you with an overview of the Student Success Center, what the student success center offers Daemen University students, and why the student success center is an important part of the Daemen student experience.
– Hello!
(uplifting music)
My name is Sabrina Fennel, associate vice president for student success.
In this video, we’re going to provide you with an overview of the Student Success Center, what the Student Success Center offers Daemen University students, and why it’s an important part of the Daemen student experience.
Let’s get started.
(uplifting upbeat music)
The Student Success Center is a collaboration of student service offices across Daemen University.
It is available to all Daemen students, both undergraduate and graduate and provides support during their academic career.
Offices included in the Student Success Center are Academic Advisement, Accessibility Services, Academic Support and Engagement, the Saffrin Center for
Sustainability and Civic Engagement and the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program.
Students are encouraged to reach out to the Student Success Center for any type of help, assistance or academic questions they may have.
Even if we’re not the right office to address these concerns, we can help connect you with the right people.
(uplifting music)
Now let’s talk about what these different offices cover.
Each provides individual support and services to our Daemen students.
The Office of Academic Advisement is available to any student to help them with degree planning, course selection, and setting academic and career goals.
While students with a declared major are assigned a faculty advisor within their department, all undeclared students are assigned to a professional advisor in the Office of Academic Advisement to help them explore their skill sets and interests to find the right fit in a program.
Our Accessibility Services Office assists students with disabilities in receiving appropriate accommodations.
Our director meets with students individually to help determine their needs and reduce or eliminate any barriers in helping provide our students equal access for success.
Next, our Office of Academic Support and Engagement offers a variety of supports to help you outside of the classroom.
Here at Daemen, we call tutoring academic coaching.
Academic coaches are experienced peers who have been recommended by faculty and completed a training program.
They’re available for course content, writing, and study techniques.
This service is free for all Daemen students.
Our Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement cultivates civic engagement and social responsibility by building campus-community partnerships that address community needs and provide service learning opportunities.
Service is a part of our mission here at Daemen.
All students are required to participate in a service learning experience for graduation.
It is through these experiences where our students develop as informed engaged leaders and promote justice and sustainability.
Lastly, our Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program is an academic and financial support program funded by a New York State Education grant.
This program provides a wonderful pre-freshman summer bridge program, which helps students with the transition from high school to the university, as well as mentorship throughout the academic year.
(uplifting music)
Daemen University is committed to helping our students meet their needs.
The Student Success Center is an important part of that process.
We can be viewed as a wonderful umbrella of services, outreach, and resources to help our students flourish.
Everyone has a unique and individual journey during their time at Daemen, and we look forward to providing support wherever we can.
Thank you for watching this video!
You can find the Student Success Center on the first floor in the RIC or the Research and Information Commons.
Stop on by or call 716-839-8228.
We can’t wait to see you.